India looks to improve its standing by increasing the tally of medals in the Britain Olympic Games 2012


India is in the gold hunt underway at the Britain 2012 Games, and the treasures are not buried in lost galleons undersea. The gold is there for the winner and also for the onlookers who rejoice in the victory. 

Heracles is credited with the creation of the Olympic Games. He was a son of Zeus, and the Olympics have been celebrated as the running of the stade (distance of 192 m) year after year. This ceremony carried on every four years for about 1200 years and has had its fans and followers. However, there was a break when a Christian emperor took the throne (Theodosius I) and abolished the pagan practices. Pierre de Coubertin began the revival of the Olympics and through his speech revived interest in the sports arena. Athens had the honor to be the venue of the Games. 

Today India is in the hunt for gold at the Britain 2012 Games. And the chase is on, because, though many medals are there to be won, only gold medals matters, the ones that differentiate the winning edge from the rest of the world.

People and fans of India, who would settle for silver, or bronze, would also contribute to the tally at the Britain 2012 games, but when the final Olympics countdown begins, it is only gold for India that matters.

Here is to the Gold Rush! Here is to India!